
We believed that the men and women who comprise our company are our biggest asset. So we work to protect that human capital and help to set up a working environment that respects our people and values.

To map out the future for Erasteel, our employees are actively contributing to our success factors:

  • safety
  • customer service
  • performance
  • quality
  • curious and pasionnated personnality

To meet these demanding goals, we enable our employees to grow their engagement, know-how and skills.

Our talent development policy is implemented by investing in HR:

  • acquiring and passing on knowledge
  • developing expertise
  • training
  • career development
  • mobility

If you want to join us and take part in our company’s ambitious projects, see our recruitment pages.

Action locally

As well as caring for the wellbeing of its people, Erasteel aims to contribute to the development of its host countries. This social commitment has several forms.

Job creation and local recruitment are the basis of our active participation in our host territories’ economic and social development. Local communities also reflect our commitment in partnerships or local actions that support sports, cultural, charity or environmental initiatives. We are particularly committed to training local populations, especially young people, by hosting interns or organising tours and open days on our sites.

Gender Equality Index

Erasteel SAS (France) achieves a score of 92/100 on the Gender Equality Index for the year 2023. This strong result reflects Erasteel’s daily commitment to promoting equality.

What is the Gender Equality Index?

The Gender Equality Index is a cornerstone of French legislation aimed at combating workplace discrimination. Established under the Law for the Freedom to Choose One’s Professional Future of September 5, 2018, this tool aims to ensure effective equality between men and women in the workplace.

Its main objective is to quantify and assess the gender pay gap within companies, while encouraging the implementation of corrective measures to reduce these disparities. These measures aim to promote real wage equality and equal opportunities regardless of gender.

The index is based on several key indicators that address various aspects of gender equality:

  • The gender pay gap
  • The distribution gap of individual salary increases
  • The distribution gap of promotions
  • The number of female employees who received raises upon returning from maternity leave
  • Gender parity among the 10 highest paid employees

Together, these indicators provide an overall picture of the gender equality situation within a company and identify areas where corrective measures are needed to promote real equal opportunities and wages between men and women.


This year, Erasteel SAS (France) achieved an outstanding score of 92/100.

In the previous year, Erasteel SAS had scored 87 out of 100 on its Gender Equality Index, marking an improvement of 5 points compared to the previous year. This improvement can be attributed to two main factors:

  • The significant reduction in the gender pay gap
  • The notable increase in the number of women occupying positions among the 10 highest paid within the company

Furthermore, Erasteel SAS achieved the maximum score on two key indicators: the distribution gap of individual salary increases and promotions, demonstrating its exemplary commitment to gender equality.

* There were no returns from maternity leave during the relevant period for the valid workforce in 2023.

** As one of the indicators is incalculable, the total number of points for the overall score is determined by a proportional rule to be converted into a score out of 100 (points earned x 100 / maximum points of measurable indicators).


Erasteel regularly offers internships or doctoral candidates, particularly in France and Sweden. If you don’t find offers on our recruitment page do not hesitate to make a spontaneous application!