Several industrial tools have been grouped together on the same industrial site, Erasteel in Commentry (France) to treat different types of industrial waste containing metals:
- For the preparation of charges: agglomeration, calcination furnace, roasting furnace
- For the production of non-ferrous alloys:
- arc furnace for melting metal elements
- submerged electrode furnace for the reduction of metal oxides
- converter (AOD) for refining alloys

All of these tools on a single site is a unique recycling solution in Europe for the recovery of metals contained in:
- spent catalysts from the petroleum and petrochemical industry
- the co-products of the iron and steel industry: scale, grinding, pickling baths, grinding muds …
- pressed filter sludge or other residues from hydro-metallurgical processes
- alkaline, saline, NiMH batteries.
Erasteel Recycling remains open to study recycling of non-ferrous metals from other types of industrial waste.
Erasteel Recycling provides its partners with a sustainable response to the optimization of the life cycle of raw materials contained.